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New Pool Hall @ AQ Ipswich Multi Service Centre

Ipswich Pool Room

There’s no hustling allowed at this pool hall, just fun times and reliving some youthful memories.

The staff at AQ’s Multi Service Centre in Ipswich have recently renovated an old garden shed, turning it into a nostalgic pool hall and clients are loving it.

Tilmann said he had enjoyed playing pool during his younger days at boarding schoolIpswich Pool Room

“And if I forget the rules now, there’s always someone here to help you,” he said.

“It brings back some memories. I feel very accepted here, and I like it very much.”

Allan added he loved coming to play pool with his friends each week.

“All the people here are great, and playing pool with everyone is the best,” he said.

“I’m the best player, I win all the time.”

Centre Manager Kerri said the idea for the pool hall came from the clients themselves.

“We had about six gents who would, as their activity, go to the local pool hall during the week, and there were a couple of other clients who were interested, but not comfortable in going there,” she said.

“So, we wanted to create an environment where, if clients wanted to give it a go, they could, and it’s a safe space for them.

“A lot of clients are either learning this (pool) for the first time, or re-learning something they knew when they were younger.”

The pool hall is designed with sporting memorabilia on the walls, and plenty of space for clients to either participate or watch.

“Often if clients have been out for the morning, we find they come back here in the afternoon and like to hang out,” Kerri said.

“After lunch, there’s a group that comes and they have a fun time – there’s a lot of camaraderie, and there’s lots of ‘oh you missed that one’, that is typical friend group behaviour.”

But it’s not just for the lads, as client Lonie explained.

“Absolutely girls can come and play too – probably better than the boys!” she said.

“We had a pool table at my house, and my husband was a teacher, lots of people would come and play pool at our house. It’s been a long time, but I enjoy coming to play.

“I’ve made lots of friends here.”

To find out more about the Ipswich Multi Service Centre, email intaketeam@alzqld.org.au or call 07 3812 2253 today.



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